30 Fun Summer Activities for Kids


Summer is on its way and your kids must be excited about how to spend their summer time at home. Heat is one of the very much disturbing factors during summers and children are highly susceptible during summers. But, nevertheless, children actually don’t care about summer heat and want to play all day during summers.

Fun summer activities for kids

After taking adequate measures, you can actually let your child go and play during summers. Here are some activities that you can suggest for your children during summer.

Bubble blowing: One of the fun-filled activities for kids is blowing bubbles during hot summer afternoons. All you need is a drop of detergent in water, a small bottle and a loop for blowing the bubbles. For the loop, you can use an old keychain ring. Tie the keychain ring to a strong twig. Kids can spend hours playing bubbles. This game is no fun playing alone. A group can make this game much better and fun.

Kids Blowing Bubbles
Blowing Bubbles Kids

Source: sheknows.com

Make a bird feeder: Making your own bird feeder is an easy and fun-filled activity. As summer is fast approaching, birds can find it a little difficult to fetch grains. To help some of those cute little birds, you can offer them some bird feed with the help of a bird feeder. For a bird feeder you’ll need a 1ltr empty soda bottle. Carefully make holes in the bottle and run some twigs through the holes for the birds to stand on. Make another hole directly above the twig stand so that the bird can pick the seeds from the holes. Fill the soda bottle with bird feed and hang it carefully in your garden.

Homemade Bird Feeder

Source: Flickr.com


Play hopscotch: Hopscotch is an exciting game, especially for girls but boys can also play this game. This game is fun and a good game for a group. Kids can play this game without getting bored or tired easily. This game can be played indoors and outdoors as well.

Kids Playing Hopscotch

Source: 2.crayola.com

Jump rope: Jump rope is another easy indoor/ outdoor game which is fun and kids don’t get exhausted easily. Because, the actual rope jump happens once in a while and most of the time, the kids are just looking for the right time to jump. Nevertheless, it is a good game though with some fun-filled moments.

Kids Playing Jump Rope

Source: shareitfitness.wordpress.com

Make Popsicles at home: Making popsicles at home is perhaps one of the best activities to keep your children busy for some time. It can also be the one best way to make them have a variety of fruits during this summer. Buy some popsicle molds and stick and add in different fruit juices. Freeze these popsicles and give them to your children during later afternoons.

Homemade Popsicles for kids

Source: trexandme.wordpress.com


Make fresh fruit juices: Apart from making popsicles, demonstrate to your children how to make fresh fruit juices to be given during those hot summer mornings and afternoons. Try different fruits such as apples, lemon, oranges, watermelon, mangoes, sapodilla, different berries, etc. You could add in either yogurt to make it tastier. Avoid adding sugar to the fruit juices as it only increases sugar cravings.

Fruit Juices for kids

Source: colorwheelmeals.com

Salad spree: Go on a salad spree once in a while during summers. Take in a variety of vegetables and herbs and make your favorite salads. This can be a good idea, especially during summer evenings and nights. Encourage your kids to eat such healthy foods and perhaps this is a good time to do it.

kids preparing veg salad

Source: holdingherown.com

Origami: Origami is an oriental art which originated in Japan. Put is simply, it is art of paper-folding into beautiful creatures and shapes. You can easily learn origami and teach your kids, the same. If there is hot sun out there and kids are getting bored sitting inside the home, then perhaps, origami can be a great past time.

Origami for Kids

Source: glenparklibrarysfpl.blogspot.com


Bicycle wash: Kids and bicycles are inseparable. You just cannot imagine kids without bicycles. And what is the best time to encourage them to wash their bicycles, than summer? Bicycle wash not only cleans them but your kids can spend time with water which they would love during summers.

Kids Washing Bicycles

Source: missjackiesviews.blogspot.com

Dumb charades: This is another interesting game for kids above the age of 7-8 years. The game will become interesting if there is a group of considerable numbers. Hot summer afternoons can be spent indoors playing this game and time passes by just like that.

Dumb Charades Indoor Games

Backyard tent setup: You can help your kids in setting up a tent in your backyard with some of the old bed sheets. This can be fun because, setting up a tent can take time and showing your kids how to set up the tent can be such a fun. Also, you can be assured that your kids will play in shade.

Source: dollarstoremom.com


Backyard gardening: Backyard gardening is one of the best ideas to keep your kids engaged. Show them how gardening is done and they’ll be interested in doing it. Show them how different plants have different types of flowers and so on.

Source: longisland.mommypoppins.com

Grow your own vegetables and greens: As part of gardening, you can also teach your children about vegetables and green and how to grow them. You could teach them about how wonderful are vegetables and greens.

Kids Gardening

Source: fairyinagarden.com

Ice-cream making: Teach your kids how to make ice-creams at home with easily available ingredients.  As children love ice-creams, they’ll be equally interested in knowing how to make ice-creams at home.

ice cream making

Source: kids.nationalgeographic.com

Ice-cream in bag: Ice-cream in bag is a little variation from the earlier version. In this version, apart from the regular ice-cream ingredients you’ll also need rock salt and a pound bag of ice. All you need to do is to transfer the mixed ice-cream ingredients into a polythene bag, place the bag inside another bigger bag containing the ice and salt. Shake this bag for 5-10 minutes vigorously and you’ll have made your ice-cream without keeping it in the refrigerator.

ice cream in bag

Source: innerchildfun.com

Painting: Encourage your kids to take up painting during the summer time. Give them ideas or show them some pictures and ask them to replicate those pictures. Painting or drawing will help your kids in developing hand-eye coordination. You could also organize a kind of competition with the kids in your neighborhood.

Kids painting

Source: commons.wikimedia.org

Karaoke singing competition: Arrange a karaoke singing competition with all the kids in the neighborhood. This will be a good venue to showcase children with talent and interest for music and singing.

Kids Karaoke Singing

Source: mymcpl.org

Family photo album: Take out the pictures that you’ve taken this year and ask your kids to make an interesting album for those pictures. You can encourage your kids to make albums based on themes and stick the pictures in the album accordingly. This can be a fun idea for kids.

Kids Making Photo Album

Source: adventureswithellie.com

Have some beach fun: If you happen to live near a beach, you can take your kids to the beach for some fun. But, make sure that you avoid going to the beach during sunny day time as the sun can be pretty harsh. Plan the beach trips during evenings when everything cools down.

Kids playing at beach

Source: cntraveler.com

Build a sand castle: If you with your kids at the beach, building a sand castle is a great idea. Do carry a small bucket to carry water to make the sand usable for building a castle. If the castle is done, take pictures and share them.

Kids building sandcastles

Source: flickriver.com

Collect shells: Another interesting activity at a beach can be collecting shells. The sands in the beaches are filled with shells and show your kids how to collect big shells. We are sure that they’ll love the idea and get going.

Kids collecting seashells

Source: traveltips.usatoday.com

Fly Kites: Flying kites can be one of the fun-filled ideas. Get your kids some kites and teach them how to fly some. Kids definitely love flying kites and will be awestruck sometimes watching kites fly. You could also teach them how to construct kites with readily available materials at home.

Kids flying-kite

Source: sterling-wellness.com

Bowling bowl with plastic bottles: If you have some empty soda bottles at home, the best thing that you could do is to use those bottles are bowling pins while using a small soccer ball as the bowling bowl. This can be much fun when you make the target for all the pins to fall.

Bowling Bowl with Bottles

Source: ucreatewithkids.com

Marble roll: Marble roll is a simple game where two or more marbles are rolled down from a slant and see which marbles lands first. This game is suitable for boys who are eager to compete with each other. If you have boys at home, then this is one of the games that you can encourage them to play.

Kids playing marble launch

Source: spoonful.com

Toy parachute: A toy parachute can be a good idea for fun. Many kids have their own action figures and the best way to use these action figures is by making a parachute and launching them into the air. All you need are a large sheet of polythene, some strings and a pair of scissors. Cut out round shape from the polythene sheet and tie strings to it. Now, take the other end of the strings and tie them to your action figure.

Toy Parachute Idea

Source: kidspot.com.au

Shadow puppets: Shadow puppets is one of the ideas that not only fascinates children but also adults. You could learn how to cast these shadow puppets and practice them and also teach your kids how to do it. Many different stories can told using shadow puppets and children would love to learn them as well.

Shadow puppets with hands

Source: pinterest.com

Fancy dress show: Organize a fancy dress competition in your neighborhood with all the kids and see how every kid in the neighborhood comes in as. This is a great way for kids to mingle with each other and it is also a great opportunity for parents also to mingle. Also, as it is a one-time thing, so don’t spend too much money on fancy dresses. If possible, try some DIY fancy dresses at home.

kids fancy dress ideas

 Source: blog.dadshop.com.au

Alphabet game: Play an alphabet game with your toddlers. This is a simple game where all you need to do is to find things or toys at home which represent all the letters of the alphabet starting from A to Z. For example, get an apple for A, a basket for B, etc and ask your toddlers to arrange those things according to the alphabet.

Alphabet Game

 Source: cefa.ca

Treasure hunt: Arrange a simple treasure hunt at home. You can do this by arranging some souvenirs hidden in different places at home. Make it interesting by putting in some of your kids’ favorite candies beside the souvenirs. And you can see that the game gets interesting. If you think that your home can get ransacked by your kids, you can have it outdoors in your garden.

kids on treasure hunt

Source: blog.powerscourt.ie

Balloon rocket: A balloon rocket is an air-powered rocket sort of thing that can move at good speed. All you need is a large balloon, a long string, a piece of straw and some glue tape. Run the straw through the string and tie the string tightly from one end of your living room to another end.  Blow the balloon and ask your child to hold it at its mouth so that no air escapes. Now, tape the balloon to the straw and let go of the mouth of the balloon. The outward rushing air forces the balloon to move forward along the line of the string.

Rocket Propelled by Balloon

Source: ciburbanity.com

From Parenting Healthy Babies group, we hope that these fun summer activities will keep your kids busy this summer. Have a safe and fun summer this year.

